We have just learned that the Maine Senate will vote on LD 1619 tomorrow morning. Given the lopsided make-up of the Senate, they are expected to pass the bill efficiently tomorrow morning and then go back to the House for a 2nd vote tomorrow evening (all bills must be voted on in the House and the Senate at least twice- click here for more info on this process).
We continue to believe that it is possible to defeat this bill. The last vote was decided by 1 lone vote. No doubt, tomorrow afternoon's house vote total will be just as close.
I'm not going to lie to you. We are still the underdogs in this fight. After last weeks late night vote and watching my colleagues from across the isle being bullied into a vote by Planned Parenthood, it would be easy for us to just stay home. We could take comfort in our efforts thus far and make excuses about how the vote played out.
But that's not us.
We the People didn't come this far to stay home and be proud of showing up. Governor Mills started this fight with the people of Maine by introducing legislation that threatens the most vulnerable among us. One way or another, I intend to see this fight through to the finish line.
Tomorrow afternoon, LET’S FILL THE GALLERY in the Maine House of Representatives!
Let's send a message to any representative that would dare vote for this immoral bill: "We - the people of Maine - are watching you, and we aren't going anywhere." No matter the outcome - we will continue to SPEAK UP for LIFE with our voices and our lives. More on that front to come as soon as the fight on LD 1619 is over . . . we have work to do!
With the aggressively shortened timeline (we were anticipating Wednesday or Thursday), there's not enough time to plan a rally or arrange an event on the website to RSVP, but you know what to do.
I will see you tomorrow afternoon at 1:30pm at your house - the People’s House - in Augusta.