On Friday I learned of a new bill. LD 227, "An Act Regarding Health Care in the State," that was carried over from last session and will be introduced early this week.
Seemingly inocuous, only a couple sentences long... and then I read the 21 page amendment that will be introduced at the Public Hearing this coming Tuesday, replacing the original bill. LD 227 will establish Maine as a sanctuary state for ALL abortion and transgender medical care.
This Frankenstein of a bill endorses state-sanctioned kidnapping of minor children against their parents’ will, and is FAR more extreme than LD 1735, the transgender tourism bill recently killed in the Judiciary Committee... LD 1619 was nothing compared to this.
LD 227 is the penultimate attack on parental rights, going so far as to validate sex trafficking, and legislating on behalf of the 49 other states.
It's difficult to express the feelings I had as I read this bill.
I am heartsick for our state, for our country, and for the children growing up in a time where lies are called truth, and speaking the truth makes you an outcast.
Truthfully, I am angry. I would like to think it's a righteous anger... I'm angry that this law, if passed, will tear apart families, irrevocably harm children for life, and kill the preborn babies whose mothers travel here from other states. I'm angry that we have a majority that likely will pass this bill, making it the law of the land in Maine.
I'm angry that I probably can't stop it.
I may not be able to stop LD 227... but I am going to speak up against it anyhow.
If I... WE... don't Speak Up, who will?
I'm sure you understand, the short notice between this amendment seeing the light of day and the scheduled Public Hearing on Tuesday at 1 PM is by design. More shenanigans on the part of the Democrats, hoping that Maine people won't hear about it, and won't show up.
Today, I am asking YOU to do THREE things.
First, consider how you can Speak Up against LD 227... if you can be at the Public Hearing on Tuesday, COME to Augusta. I will provide more information on Monday via email with all of the pertinent details. If you absolutely can't be there in person, submit testimony online in opposition. Either way, pray for the legislators in Augusta.
Second, share this page with everyone you know... we have a VERY short timeline to get the word out, so it is critical that all of us work to do so! Imagine if every church in Maine stood up and Spoke Up against this bill in Augusta on Tuesday...
Third, and most importantly, please understand that there is only ONE long-term solution for LD 1619, LD 1735, LD 227, and any other bills that will come after them, celebrating death and dismemberment, that we can not stop... We MUST remove the legislators that support these atrocities from office, and replace them with representation that will support Life and Truth.
How? By working together with like-minded individuals to get conservative legislators elected this November, and booting out those who continue to refuse to listen to the people of Maine.
Let's Speak Up once more, and then let's remove these legislators from office.
Are you with me?